Dual MICT Demo

Explanation for the Dual MICT Demo

(Click for the Complete Code, Assessments Versus Current Techniques and Overall Benefits of using the MICT/HCTS Framework)

This interactive demonstration showcases the core principles of the MICT/HCTS Framework...

This is a basic demonstration of the Core MICT Cycles needed for AI Mitigation...

How the Demo Works

The Blue Ball: Represents the current state of the system being modeled.


The buttons control how the ball's position changes. Each button corresponds to a different transformation:

  • Right: Moves the ball to the right.
  • Left: Moves the ball to the left.
  • Down: Moves the ball down.
  • Up: Moves the ball up.

Safe Zone: The green rectangle defines a safe zone where the ball is allowed to move.

iMICT (Iterative MICT): This component continuously applies the selected transformation, moving the ball across the canvas.

eMICT (Enforced MICT): This component monitors the ball's position and intervenes if it's about to leave the safe zone. It dynamically adjusts the transformations to ensure the ball stays within the boundaries.

Key Concepts Illustrated

  • Iteration: The ball's continuous movement demonstrates the iterative nature of the MICT/HCTS framework...
  • Metacognition: The eMICT component's ability to monitor and adjust the transformations...
  • Context: The safe zone represents the contextual constraints...
  • Transformation: The different transformations applied to the ball...